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Jump To: Text (10)  |  Other (11)

Text (10)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
book201.doc Text File 464 20KB 1987-09-14
chop50.asm Assembly Source File 324 11KB 1987-09-26
chop50.doc Text File 68 4KB 1987-09-21
docsmash.doc Text File 242 13KB 1989-07-27
info.doc Text File 24 915b 1987-05-15
order.txt Text File 61 3KB 1987-09-14
readme.1st Text File 76 4KB 1987-09-14
squeeze.doc Text File 219 10KB 1987-05-15
tl.doc Text File 79 4KB 1987-07-04
tl.pas Pascal/Delphi Source File 228 5KB 1987-07-04

Other Files (11)
book201.com MS-DOS COM Executable 16KB 1987-09-26
chop50.com MS-DOS COM Executable 892b 1987-09-26
docsmash.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 55KB 1989-07-27
go.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 69KB 1987-05-15
quick.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 45KB 1987-05-15
squeeze.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 70KB 1987-05-15
tl.com MS-DOS COM Executable 14KB 1987-07-04
--------.-- Unknown 1b 1989-07-18
--------.--- Unknown 1b 1989-01-07
-------.-- Unknown 1b 1990-07-08
-------.--- Unknown 1b 1989-04-21